About Me

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Hello, my name is Claire. I am a 29 year old Bachelor of Business graduate! I love reading, travelling and hanging out with my husband! I am an aspiring mystery writer: currently my first novel is with my editor, I am editing the first draft of my second and third novel, and writing the outline for the forth novel of the same series. Information on my novels coming soon! Thank you for looking at my blog and i hope you enjoy!

Book Review: This Might Hurt

 Book Review: This Might Hurt

By Stephanie Wrobel

Natalie has come to look for her sister, Kit. Kit left to visit the therapy island Wisewood almost six months ago and hasn't been heard since. Then out of the blue Natalie receives an email from a Wisewood account threatening to reveal her darkest secret to her sister, panicking Natalie makes a last minute trip to Wisewood itself to find Kit and bring her home. Little did she know what she was walking into as Wisewood is not all that it seems. 

Madame Fearless, like her name is the woman with no fear but not only that she wants to show others to remove their own fear and live a life of freedom. Growing up with an abusive father and learning that nothing she did was ever going to be good enough, Madame Fearless went to prove herself as one to live life to the fullest. 

Kit, left for the island of Wisewood six months earlier from the start of this novel. After the death of her mother a few years earlier, she feels lost in her purpose. After coming across the mysterious Wisewood she applied with quick acceptance. 

Natalie, at the top of her career Natalie has never known happiness. Her mother was dead and her sister had not been heard from in six months. After receiving an emailing reveiling a secret she doesn't want anyone to know most of all her sister, she notices the email is coming from Wisewood the very place her sister had been known to be staying. Quickly deciding, Natalie jumps on the next boat to the very island she had doubts on from the beginning. 

Wisewood, an island to better know yourself. No technology or outside contact allowed, the resistences are not allowed to touch and everyone is only allowed to stay for a total of six months before returning to their new lives. Wisewood is a place of understanding yourself, overcoming your insecurities, and reinventing yourself to reenter your life. 

The three narrators tell the story of how they all come to being on the island with the plot twist revealing the answers to all questions. The novel jumps around in timelines for each narrator. One narrator is nameless except for the name Madama Fearless, she is by far the most interesting part of the novel. 

I personally enjoyed this novel, I was interested in reading Wrobel's second novel after enjoying Darling Rose Gold so much. This Might Hurt had an intriguing concept with mostly interesting characters. I found the nameless narrator the best part of this story, trying to find the connection to Natalie and Kit's story was a fun mystery. 

Overall, I did enjoy this novel. I thought it had a developing storyline, I am glad it wasn't longer as I think it might have overdid it. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review! 

Book Review: The Redwood Asylum

 Book Review: The Redwood Asylum

By L.A. Detwiler

"The dead do talk..." 

Jessica, a young nurse is starting a new job at Redwood Asylum. She hopes this new start will allow her to forget her sins of the past and help those behind the closed doors of Redwood. 

However, there is more to those in the asylum. When the patient in 5B latches onto Jessica warning about dead children, Jessica takes it upon herself to figure out how to help the man in 5B as well as the children he rants about. 

But when the ghosts start following her home, her life becomes a nightmare outside the terrors of Redwood. 

The Redwood Asylum is a paranormal thriller by the same author of A Tortured Soul. The novel follows Jessica, a twenty-six year old nurse, who finds herself at her new job at Redwood Asylum. After leaving from her previous life due to horrible circumstances she needs to start over, Redwood doesn't do an in-depth background check and hires her. 

Her first day she is assigned to be the nurse on floor 5, well known for it's violent patients. When the unstable man in 5B latches onto her warning her, Jessica feels drawn to help him and the ghosts running around the halls of Redwood. 

But there is more going on than just the ghosts that haunt the rooms. 

I found this novel to be an easy read. This was a classic paranormal novel, focusing on the ghosts and unsolved mystery to finally give peace. However, I did enjoy the twist leading to the ending. There were clues throughout the novel that allowed the reader to figure out the mystery before the 'surprise' ending. 

I found Jessica as a character was undeveloped. I knew she had a dark secret from her past but she was hard to connect to because we as the reader didn't know a lot about her otherwise. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review. Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I found it to be a light read with an interesting concept. While I didn't connect to the main character, I enjoyed the writing and story. 

Thank you NetGalley and L.A. Detwiler for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! 

The Redwood Asylum was release March 12, 2021

Book Review: The Guilt Trip

 Book Review: The Guilt Trip

By Sandie Jones

Six "friends", three couples, one event. 

During the weekend of Ali and Will's wedding everyone comes together to celebrate. Rachel and Jack, Jack is Will's brother and together they join the happy couple with questions in mind to why Will would choose Ali to be his wife. Joining them is Paige and Noah, Noah and Rachel have been best friends for so long that once upon a time they thought there mind be more between them. These four guests along with the bride and groom travel to Portugal for the destination wedding of Ali and Will's dreams. 

But Ali rubs all the guests the wrong way. Ali is beautiful, glamorous, but impulsive; thoughts run through Rachel's head of Jack cheating on her, Paige thinks Ali is just an attention-seeker, Noah is bringing up history that should stay in the past and Jack is disagreeing with everything Noah has to say. 

When the wedding begins, secrets start to unfold. Who is telling the truth? And who can you really trust? 

The Guilt Trip is told from the point of view of Rachel, wife of Jack and soon to be sister in-law to Ali. With opinions already starting we get our first view of Ali, the blushing bride marrying Will, Jack's brother. Ali is a mess, talkative, wild, beautiful bride and she first introduced at the airport about to leave for Portugal for her wedding, when she notices she is missing her passport. With Jack they go to look for it while Rachel waits, introducing Noah and Paige. Rachel and Noah were best friends, they went to school together and at one time thought they might end up together but fell in love with better people. 

This novel is built on drama and high opinions between characters, with most of the characters have a prior relationship whether it's Rachel and Noah from college or Jack and Ali from working together, everyone has a history. 

I really liked some characters and their development then there were some characters I really hated and I believe I was supposed to hate. The character development was well done and really built the drama over the event. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I felt everything added up in the end and I'm satisfied with how this story ended. 

I gave this novel a 🌟🌟🌟🌟 review. I felt this novel was a light and enjoyable read, however; I do think the final event was missing more information on what really happened. But I would recommend this as a mystery beach read. 

Thank you St. Martin's Press and Net Galley for the ARC in exchange for a honest review. 

Publication date is August 3, 2021

Book Review: The Wyoming Adventure

 Book Review: The Wyoming Adventure

By Gramps B. Lewis

Jared and Sam are visiting their grandparents on their farm, one day they stumble upon an intriguing clue to treasure. As more clues arise, the children move closer to the treasure they seek. With family and adventure Sam and Jared are going to have the vacation of a lifetime. 

The Wyoming Adventure is a cute, fun experience. With loveable characters like grandparents Tom and Nancy what more can you want. When eight-year-old Jared and six-year-old Sam find a clue to a lost treasure, these siblings that you on a fun adventure that you don't want to miss. 

I really liked the character bond and growth through out the novel, the story Grandpa Tom begins with a heartwarming story of the children's mother. I liked how the characters develop together and the relationships that build until the end. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. The adventure is fun and the characters are likeable, however; I did think some parts were on the slower side. 

I gave this novel a 🌟🌟🌟🌟 review! Pacing was a little off but really enjoyed the story! 

Thank you Gramps B. Lewis for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Book Review: Unexpected Connection

 Book Review: Unexpected Connection 

By Sue Jaskula

When Detective Jennifer Scott's partner leaves the force her life is turned upside down by her new handsome and unexpected partner, Detective Luke O'Connor. With a threat to her reputation, she is captivated by his charm. But when a surprise guest shows up at her best friends house, Jen has other things to worry about than her new teammate. 

Her best friends unknown twin sister shows up at her door wanting to reconnect with the sister she never knew, Jen has her suspicions. But then a murder happens around the same time as her appearance, the twin sister becomes the prime suspect in the investigation. 

While the investigation unfolds, Jen and Luke must figure out what her real reason for being there and how everything is connected before it's too late. 

Detective Jennifer Scott was first introduced in Jaskula's first novel All Fired Up. With a new partner and 'unexpected connection', the chemistry is undeniable. But when her best friends long lost twin sister shows up wanting to reconnect, Jen steps in questioning the real reason she has come. 

Unexpected Connection is a fun mystery with some flirting on the side, you want Jen and Luke to get together while still questioning what is actually going on. 

I found this novel well written and enjoyable, I liked it a little more than Jaskula's first novel and am hoping another novel is on the way. It took me a little longer to read than I would have liked with personal life getting in the way but overall I would suggest this novel to those who want a twisty mystery with a side of romance. 

I gave this novel a 🌟🌟🌟🌟 review!  

Thank you Sue Jaskula for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! This novel will release July 28, 2021!