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Hello, my name is Claire. I am a 29 year old Bachelor of Business graduate! I love reading, travelling and hanging out with my husband! I am an aspiring mystery writer: currently my first novel is with my editor, I am editing the first draft of my second and third novel, and writing the outline for the forth novel of the same series. Information on my novels coming soon! Thank you for looking at my blog and i hope you enjoy!
Showing posts with label Book Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Review. Show all posts

Book Review: This Might Hurt

 Book Review: This Might Hurt

By Stephanie Wrobel

Natalie has come to look for her sister, Kit. Kit left to visit the therapy island Wisewood almost six months ago and hasn't been heard since. Then out of the blue Natalie receives an email from a Wisewood account threatening to reveal her darkest secret to her sister, panicking Natalie makes a last minute trip to Wisewood itself to find Kit and bring her home. Little did she know what she was walking into as Wisewood is not all that it seems. 

Madame Fearless, like her name is the woman with no fear but not only that she wants to show others to remove their own fear and live a life of freedom. Growing up with an abusive father and learning that nothing she did was ever going to be good enough, Madame Fearless went to prove herself as one to live life to the fullest. 

Kit, left for the island of Wisewood six months earlier from the start of this novel. After the death of her mother a few years earlier, she feels lost in her purpose. After coming across the mysterious Wisewood she applied with quick acceptance. 

Natalie, at the top of her career Natalie has never known happiness. Her mother was dead and her sister had not been heard from in six months. After receiving an emailing reveiling a secret she doesn't want anyone to know most of all her sister, she notices the email is coming from Wisewood the very place her sister had been known to be staying. Quickly deciding, Natalie jumps on the next boat to the very island she had doubts on from the beginning. 

Wisewood, an island to better know yourself. No technology or outside contact allowed, the resistences are not allowed to touch and everyone is only allowed to stay for a total of six months before returning to their new lives. Wisewood is a place of understanding yourself, overcoming your insecurities, and reinventing yourself to reenter your life. 

The three narrators tell the story of how they all come to being on the island with the plot twist revealing the answers to all questions. The novel jumps around in timelines for each narrator. One narrator is nameless except for the name Madama Fearless, she is by far the most interesting part of the novel. 

I personally enjoyed this novel, I was interested in reading Wrobel's second novel after enjoying Darling Rose Gold so much. This Might Hurt had an intriguing concept with mostly interesting characters. I found the nameless narrator the best part of this story, trying to find the connection to Natalie and Kit's story was a fun mystery. 

Overall, I did enjoy this novel. I thought it had a developing storyline, I am glad it wasn't longer as I think it might have overdid it. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review! 

Book Review: The Redwood Asylum

 Book Review: The Redwood Asylum

By L.A. Detwiler

"The dead do talk..." 

Jessica, a young nurse is starting a new job at Redwood Asylum. She hopes this new start will allow her to forget her sins of the past and help those behind the closed doors of Redwood. 

However, there is more to those in the asylum. When the patient in 5B latches onto Jessica warning about dead children, Jessica takes it upon herself to figure out how to help the man in 5B as well as the children he rants about. 

But when the ghosts start following her home, her life becomes a nightmare outside the terrors of Redwood. 

The Redwood Asylum is a paranormal thriller by the same author of A Tortured Soul. The novel follows Jessica, a twenty-six year old nurse, who finds herself at her new job at Redwood Asylum. After leaving from her previous life due to horrible circumstances she needs to start over, Redwood doesn't do an in-depth background check and hires her. 

Her first day she is assigned to be the nurse on floor 5, well known for it's violent patients. When the unstable man in 5B latches onto her warning her, Jessica feels drawn to help him and the ghosts running around the halls of Redwood. 

But there is more going on than just the ghosts that haunt the rooms. 

I found this novel to be an easy read. This was a classic paranormal novel, focusing on the ghosts and unsolved mystery to finally give peace. However, I did enjoy the twist leading to the ending. There were clues throughout the novel that allowed the reader to figure out the mystery before the 'surprise' ending. 

I found Jessica as a character was undeveloped. I knew she had a dark secret from her past but she was hard to connect to because we as the reader didn't know a lot about her otherwise. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review. Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I found it to be a light read with an interesting concept. While I didn't connect to the main character, I enjoyed the writing and story. 

Thank you NetGalley and L.A. Detwiler for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! 

The Redwood Asylum was release March 12, 2021

Book Review: The Guilt Trip

 Book Review: The Guilt Trip

By Sandie Jones

Six "friends", three couples, one event. 

During the weekend of Ali and Will's wedding everyone comes together to celebrate. Rachel and Jack, Jack is Will's brother and together they join the happy couple with questions in mind to why Will would choose Ali to be his wife. Joining them is Paige and Noah, Noah and Rachel have been best friends for so long that once upon a time they thought there mind be more between them. These four guests along with the bride and groom travel to Portugal for the destination wedding of Ali and Will's dreams. 

But Ali rubs all the guests the wrong way. Ali is beautiful, glamorous, but impulsive; thoughts run through Rachel's head of Jack cheating on her, Paige thinks Ali is just an attention-seeker, Noah is bringing up history that should stay in the past and Jack is disagreeing with everything Noah has to say. 

When the wedding begins, secrets start to unfold. Who is telling the truth? And who can you really trust? 

The Guilt Trip is told from the point of view of Rachel, wife of Jack and soon to be sister in-law to Ali. With opinions already starting we get our first view of Ali, the blushing bride marrying Will, Jack's brother. Ali is a mess, talkative, wild, beautiful bride and she first introduced at the airport about to leave for Portugal for her wedding, when she notices she is missing her passport. With Jack they go to look for it while Rachel waits, introducing Noah and Paige. Rachel and Noah were best friends, they went to school together and at one time thought they might end up together but fell in love with better people. 

This novel is built on drama and high opinions between characters, with most of the characters have a prior relationship whether it's Rachel and Noah from college or Jack and Ali from working together, everyone has a history. 

I really liked some characters and their development then there were some characters I really hated and I believe I was supposed to hate. The character development was well done and really built the drama over the event. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I felt everything added up in the end and I'm satisfied with how this story ended. 

I gave this novel a 🌟🌟🌟🌟 review. I felt this novel was a light and enjoyable read, however; I do think the final event was missing more information on what really happened. But I would recommend this as a mystery beach read. 

Thank you St. Martin's Press and Net Galley for the ARC in exchange for a honest review. 

Publication date is August 3, 2021

Book Review: The Wyoming Adventure

 Book Review: The Wyoming Adventure

By Gramps B. Lewis

Jared and Sam are visiting their grandparents on their farm, one day they stumble upon an intriguing clue to treasure. As more clues arise, the children move closer to the treasure they seek. With family and adventure Sam and Jared are going to have the vacation of a lifetime. 

The Wyoming Adventure is a cute, fun experience. With loveable characters like grandparents Tom and Nancy what more can you want. When eight-year-old Jared and six-year-old Sam find a clue to a lost treasure, these siblings that you on a fun adventure that you don't want to miss. 

I really liked the character bond and growth through out the novel, the story Grandpa Tom begins with a heartwarming story of the children's mother. I liked how the characters develop together and the relationships that build until the end. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. The adventure is fun and the characters are likeable, however; I did think some parts were on the slower side. 

I gave this novel a 🌟🌟🌟🌟 review! Pacing was a little off but really enjoyed the story! 

Thank you Gramps B. Lewis for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Book Review: Unexpected Connection

 Book Review: Unexpected Connection 

By Sue Jaskula

When Detective Jennifer Scott's partner leaves the force her life is turned upside down by her new handsome and unexpected partner, Detective Luke O'Connor. With a threat to her reputation, she is captivated by his charm. But when a surprise guest shows up at her best friends house, Jen has other things to worry about than her new teammate. 

Her best friends unknown twin sister shows up at her door wanting to reconnect with the sister she never knew, Jen has her suspicions. But then a murder happens around the same time as her appearance, the twin sister becomes the prime suspect in the investigation. 

While the investigation unfolds, Jen and Luke must figure out what her real reason for being there and how everything is connected before it's too late. 

Detective Jennifer Scott was first introduced in Jaskula's first novel All Fired Up. With a new partner and 'unexpected connection', the chemistry is undeniable. But when her best friends long lost twin sister shows up wanting to reconnect, Jen steps in questioning the real reason she has come. 

Unexpected Connection is a fun mystery with some flirting on the side, you want Jen and Luke to get together while still questioning what is actually going on. 

I found this novel well written and enjoyable, I liked it a little more than Jaskula's first novel and am hoping another novel is on the way. It took me a little longer to read than I would have liked with personal life getting in the way but overall I would suggest this novel to those who want a twisty mystery with a side of romance. 

I gave this novel a 🌟🌟🌟🌟 review!  

Thank you Sue Jaskula for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! This novel will release July 28, 2021! 

Book Review: A Whole New World

 Book Review: A Whole New World

By Liz Braswell 

What if Abu never stole the lamp from Jafar's cloak? What if Jafar summoned the Genie instead of Aladdin? 

In the retelling of the Disney classic, Aladdin, Jafar stole the lamp pushing Aladdin, Abu, and Carpet back into the cave of wonder. When he summons the Genie he uses his first two wishes to become sultan of Agrabah and the most powerful sorcerer in the world. After showing his power and capturing the people of Agrabah's favour, Jafar uses his third wish to make Jasmine fall deeply in love with him. But this is not in Genie's rules. After being refused, Jafar starts to look into how to over rule the Genie's rules: he can't make people fall in love with each other and he can't bring people back from the dead. 

During this time Jasmine escapes and is on the run. Finding the Street Rat she has previously met in the market place, together along with the other Street Rat's of Agrabah they build a rebellion against Jafar. With fear of what Jafar's actual third wish will be, the people of Agrabah go against the man they fear the most. 

A Whole New World is a twisted tale on the Disney classic, Aladdin. There are no songs and lot of this story is not considered "feel good". 

I love the movie Aladdin, while I was excited to read this retelling (with a twist) story I felt a little let down on the route this novel took. I like the idea that Jafar got the lamp first but after the first few chapters I'm not sure I enjoyed this novel as much as I hoped. 

But looking at this novel for what it is - I enjoyed the character development of Jasmine considering what happened to her during the course of this novel. I wish there was more with Aladdin and his mother in the novel as the first chapter was a flashback then we never really heard about her again. Even having an inside look to Jafar or the Genie's point of view would have given this an interesting spin. 

The thing I did really enjoy was the twist ending of Jafar's final wish and Jasmine's character outcome. 

I did think there are some questions to which age category this novel is written for, some scenes were darker for the audience I thought this book was for but the writing itself has a younger age in mind. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐ review. Overall, I enjoyed this book for a retelling of one of my favourite Disney movies. 

Book Review: Almost Mortal

 Book Review: Almost Mortal

By Christopher Leibig

Sam Young, a successful defense attorney emerging as one of the top in his field. But there is more to Sam then meets the eye. He has an ability; his thought was they were always minor psychic abilities but they are much more than that. 

When an attractive nun, Camille, approaches him for his help to discover the identity of a local serial killer after they confessed to the churches pastor of the crime, Sam agrees. But this mystery is much more than just figuring out who the killer is. 

When Camille gives Sam an old journal that was mailed to the church, her belief if that it belongs to the serial killer and might him discover the identity. But what is really being hidden? An identity of a killer or something much bigger? 

A legal and supernatural thriller, what more do you want? Almost Mortal is the first novel in Leibig's newest series. While this book was released in May 2016, the sequel Almost Damned released April 2021. 

I like thriller novels so when I was emailed being asked this one and the sequel I immediately said yes. I did find some of this novel to be slower as it is setting up the characters and environment of the story. To my understanding, this novel is to set up the sequel which goes into a lot more detail. 

I did think this novel was well written and I am intrigued to see how the second novel in the series continues the story. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐ review! While the mystery kept me interested, I did think some of the development was slow. 

I was sent a physical copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Almost Damned, the sequel to Almost Mortal was released April 2021. Review to come!

Book Review: All Fired Up

 Book Review: All Fired Up

By Sue Jaskula 

Christine knows something is wrong with her husband, David. When searching his desk she finds proof that not only is he having an affair but there is paperwork of different mortgages taken out on her, her father, and her best friend names. It looked like he was unfaithful and a scammer. 

That night after yelling at him to leave before going to sleep, Christine wakes to her house on fire. After getting out, the fire and police departments show to investigate. When Jake, Christine's best friend and a firefighter on the scene ensures that she's okay but it is then found out that David never made it out. 

While it looks like an accident, questions arise and it's determined that David did not die from the fire but was dead before the house went up in flames. 

With Christine being the number one suspect, she wants to find out what happened and clear her name before it's too late. 

All Fired Up is Sue Jaskula's debut novel. It starts immediately with Christine figuring out what her husband has been hiding and not long after the house is up in flames. Jaskula's takes no time to get right to the mystery which keeps the reader captivated. With back and forth questions on what happened and adding Christine's best friend, father and the additional emotions of grief, horror, and happiness this novel is a roller coaster. 

It was pretty easy to figure out who from the beginning however, I enjoyed Jaskula's writing style. I would have liked a little more character development earlier but overall I really liked this novel. 

I gave his novel ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review! Thank you Sue Jaskula for the advanced copy in exchanged for an honest review. 

Book Review: Every Step She Takes

 Book Review: Every Step She Takes

By K.L. Armstrong

Genevieve is being the person she always wanted to be. She lives in Rome, neighbours aren't noisy, everyone is nice, and no one knows her past. 

But one morning after leaving for a few hours Genevieve returns and notices her door unlocked, she remembers locking it before leaving but maybe she didn't. 

But after second guessing herself, she finds a package addressed to a Lucy... a name she hadn't heard in a very long time. 

Every Step She Takes, Genevieve has been trying to keep a low profile for the last ten years. She's made every decision to keep her secret hidden, until the day she returns home after getting groceries and the door she swore she locked was unlocked. Checking her apartment, nothing looks out of the ordinary except for the package sitting on her table with a name she hadn't seen for ten years. 

I found this novel to be a classic Kelley Armstrong, well written and interesting concept. Without giving too much away, the story was intriguing. I found some of Genevieve's decisions questionable and the ending was easy to guess. But overall, the characters were fun and the plot really made you feel for Genevieve's story and what happened to her. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, the story and characters were likeable! I would highly recommend if you are looking for an easy, cozy read. 

Book Review: Go the Distance

 Book Review: Go the Distance

By Jen Calonita

Following the 1997 Disney movie, Hercules, Hercules has proved himself a true hero and returns to Mt. Olympus to reclaim his Godship. But Hercules decides to stay on Earth with his true love, Megara, until his father has something else to say. When Hercules states he will be staying on Earth because of a mortal, Zeus says no and tells Megara that she can not be with his son because of her mortality. 

While Hercules tries to plead with his father, Hercules' mother Hera has another plan. What if instead of Hercules returning to Earth, Meg becomes a God. Hera offers a quest to Meg, a quest to prove that she deserves to become a God along with the man who was about to give up everything for her. 

Meg agrees to Hera's terms but there is one catch: she has to save a soul from the underworld... the woman who the last love of her life left her for. 

Can Meg put her past behind her to be with her true love?

Disney's Hercules, is one of my favourite Disney movies of all time. When I was in pre-school I dressed up as Hercules for Halloween. And being twenty-eight years old, I still watch Hercules when I'm feeling in a Disney mood. So when I saw there was a novel continuing the story, I knew I had to add it to my list. 

Meg is a character who is sassy and loving. She gave up her soul to Hades, Lord of the Underworld, to save her boyfriends life. She risked her life for Hercules and is now proving herself to be worthy of Mt. Olympus. 

I really enjoyed this novel, it was fun and brings back all your favourite characters.

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐✯ (4.5) review, everything about this novel is just as loveable as the 1997 movie. I found the ending a little rushed but overall, highly recommend if you love Disney and need an easy and entertaining read. 

Book Review: The Postscript Murders

 Book Review: The Postscript Murders

By Elly Griffiths 

Detective Harbinder Kaur returns, when the ninety-year-old Peggy Smith passes away all looks normal. She had a heart condition and there was nothing unusual during her passing. But Natalka, Peggy's caretaker, starts cleaning out her flat and notices that she has several mystery novels all dedicated to her. 

Then an armed man breaks in, stealing a book that the author is then found dead starts to cause questions about what is really going on. When more crime authors are being targetted, Detective Kaur needs to solves the mystery quickly before it's too late. 

Peggy Smith, best known she her sweet nature; passes away with her caretaker, Natalka, beside her. When Natalka starts packing up her belongings, she starts to notice that she owns an unusual number of crime novels all with the inscription dedicated to Peggy. It was later that Peggy was known to many authors as a "murder consultant", giving authors ideas for the murders in their novels. 

When Natalka becomes even more suspicious about her death, she asks Detective Harbinder Kaur to investigate the possibility of murder. It hits a point when a gun man breaks in and steals a novel, then the author of that novel is found dead. 

The Postscript Murders, is a cozy mystery. Following the first novel, The Stranger Diaries, the sequel was written similar. The characters had some development, but the overall story had so much potential and fell short. I thought that the novel was on the slower side and it took twice as long to finish. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐ review. While it is well written, I didn't enjoy the story as much as I liked the first book.  

Book Review: Fleeting Time

Book Review: Fleeting Time 

By L Aquila

Lexi Stone, a wife and mother of two, lives the life she always dreamed of. With a horrible childhood behind her; she is married a wonderful man, Jake. But one day she disappears without a trace. 

Seven years later, Lexi has no memory of the last seven years or that she was missing. Walking back into her life she finds that her children are older and her husband is with another woman. Confused about everything, Lexi tries to start over. 

Getting a job at a local bar she meets Dan and there is an instant connection. After losing Jake, Lexi finds comfort in Dan and the two become close. 

But the last seven years still happened and starts to catch up with her. When Lexi starts having flashbacks to her time away she starts connecting the dots to what happened to her. Can she move past the events of her disappearance? And can she rebuild her personal life? 

Fleeting Time is L. Aquila's debut novel, the plot of the story is very interesting. I enjoyed that Lexi disappeared for seven years but at the start of the story has no knowledge, then she walks back into her life with no memory of what happened to her. 

I think it was smart of the author to have Lexi be a strong character and try to rebuild her life immediately. But still have instances where she is not as strong as she looks, gives the character depth. 

I do think the story jumps a little to the next plot point without much build up at certain points. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐ review, I would like to have seen the relationship with Lexi's kids and ex-husband more but overall I found the story interesting. 

Book Review: A Stranger in Town

 Book Review: A Stranger in Town

By Kelley Armstrong 

We return to Rockton to follow Detective Casey Duncan and Sheriff Eric Dalton on another suspicious case. After an injured hiker stumbles out of the woods, Carey and Eric have no choice but to take her back to Rockton, the town that allows people second chances. But this hiker doesn't only have the attention of the Rockton residents but one of the longest members of the council. 

When the council member arrives unannounced claiming to be there to help with the injured hiker, questions arise on what her real reason for being in Rockton. As lately Casey has started to notice that fewer people are being admitted to Rockton, less people are coming in and fewer people are being allowed to extend their stay. 

When it is revealed that due to the hostile situation the council has made the decision to shut Rockton down, Casey and Eric need to figure out their next move to help the town they love. 

A Stranger in Town is the sixth book in the Rockton series. I personally love the Rockton series but found this novel a little bit of a let down compared to the others. This novel was on the slower side and very much a middle novel. There wasn't a lot of Casey and Dalton reaction and little of going around Rockton to the other character we've been previously introduced to. 

But, this novel sets up for the next. The ending of this novel was well done and sets up for the next story line which might be the ending to the series or to build on the next layer of the series. 

I always love the way Kelley Armstrong builds her characters and the environment. Her writing is clear and in with the hint of mystery in the Rockton series, Armstrong does well to make the reader second guess what is really going on. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐ review. While I don't think this novel measured up to the other Rockton novels, I do like the direction the author is going and have high hopes for the next in the series. 

Book Review: The Mystery of Mrs. Christie

 Book Review: The Mystery of Mrs. Christie 

By Marie Benedict 

Agatha Christie, one of the most well-known mystery writer has gone missing. For eleven days Mrs. Christie is gone, her husband and daughter have no idea her whereabouts. Her husband, Archie, is becoming the prime suspect with his own secrets to hide. 

Questions rise when her car is found empty with only a fur coat found inside. 

Going back and forth between flash backs on when Agatha and Archie fell in love to the present when Agatha is missing. Question arise around what really happened to Mrs. Christie until the day that she reappears claiming amnesia. 

But what really happened during those eleven days? Or does the mystery writer has her own mystery to share?

I love Agatha Christie's novels, And Then There Were None was my introduction to my favourite author of all time. Her novels are timeless and intriguing with fantastic detectives including Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple. 

But her life was not perfect, with a disloyal husband and lots of judgement on her back, Agatha Christie had her own secrets to hide. During 1926, Agatha Christie went missing for eleven days. When she returned she claimed amnesia and never told the story of what happened during those days. 

The Mystery of Mrs. Christie tells the story of what might have happened, the behind of scenes of what her first husband, Archibald Christie went through during those days. The narrative goes back and forth between the past of when Archie and Agatha met to the present time when she's missing. 

Benedict does a great job of captivating the reader to try to guess what did happening during those days, where did the mystery writer go? And makes the reader love and hate the characters involved. 

However, I felt a little let down by the ending of this novel. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐ review, even though I didn't enjoy the ending, I did like the writing and overall story throughout the rest of the book. 

Book Review: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

 Book Review: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

By Taylor Jenkins Reid 

Evelyn Hugo was one of the most famous actresses in the world. Her rise to fame started in the 50s and she retired from acting in the 80s. But part of that rise to fame included the fact that she was married seven times. 

Now, Evelyn Hugo is ready to tell the whole story. 

When Monique Grant, an unknown magazine reporter, is called into the senior editors office she is told that the well-known actress wants her to be the one to interview her on her life. Sharing all the dirty details of her career and all seven husbands along the way. 

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is told by the point of view of Monique Grant, an unknown magazine reporter who only does fluff pieces. Monique had written one well-done piece that got the attention of the magazine but since then she has been writing side pieces that won't move her up in her career. One day she is called into the senior editors office, she is told that one of the most famous Hollywood actresses between the 50s to 80s, Evelyn Hugo, wanted Monique to be the one to interview her. 

Despite her confusion, Monique agrees to visit Evelyn to discuss what the interview will be about. Little did she know that Evelyn had much bigger plans than just getting a one page interview for a magazine, but wants Monique to write a book about her life. This includes all the dirty, heartbreaking, happy, horrible details. 

Evelyn Hugo was a high-class actress, with her rise to fame starting in the 50s, she is an award winner and well known to many movies during her career. But she is most well-known for being a woman who had been married seven times. 

Evelyn opens up to Monique about all seven marriages and all the secrets in-between. 

With twists and turns in each marriage, Monique learns that Evelyn is unapologetic for her decisions and the life in Hollywood is not everything it's cracked up to be. 

I really enjoyed this novel, I thought Evelyn is a classic selfish Hollywood star but her backstory is a little heartbreaking. But then moving to Monique who isn't a confident person due to her own past. Together they discuss the reason why Evelyn asked Monique to do the start. 

I liked the link of the two but didn't think it was needed for the overall story, but I understand why the author did it. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, I would recommend this novel if you enjoy a story of drama but a story of truth. 

Book Review: The Stranger Diaries

 Book Review: The Stranger Diaries

By Elly Griffiths 

Clare Cassidy is a high school English teacher specializing in Gothic write R. M. Holland. Holland is known for his famous story, The Stranger. When one of Clare's friends and colleagues is found dead with a line from that story next to her questions start following on Clare to where she was during the time of the murder. 

But then Clare finds a note in her old diary, "Hallo, Clare. You don't know me." The suspicion moves from Clare being capable of murder to she possibly being the next target on the murders hit list. 

The Stranger Diaries follows several different points of views including Clare Cassidy and Harbinder Kaur the lead detective on the case. When Clare's friend is found murdered then she finds a note addressed to her in one of her old diaries the questions go back and forth on whether Clare is a suspect or a possible victim. 

The characters in this novel are relatable but also unrelatable. I like Clare's character of looking like a perfect woman but also having her own personal demons. I like Harbinder, she is judgemental but also knows how to do her job. The whole mystery is a classic Agatha Christie type with twists just the same. Griffiths has written many novels, however, this is the first one I've read. With the sequel The Postscript Murders coming out in March, I felt I had to read the first one. 

There were many hints throughout the novel for the twist ending which were great, I did guess the murderer before the end but it didn't ruin the overall ending. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐✯ (3.5) review. I really liked the whole mystery and characters, however, I did think some parts were a little slow but the ending was too fast so the balance was a little off. But I am very excited to read the second one. 

Review for the sequel, The Postscript Murders, is coming soon! 💙

Book Review: Between Realms

 Book Review: Between Realms

By Katie Emper 

Autumn, just another high school students in the many every year. She has an average life; her parents are divorced, her mom works almost all hours of the day. She doesn't know what she wants to do after high school except go to college with her bestfriend, Hannah, who recently moved away leaving Autumn alone. 

Autumn's dreams are nothing special, nothing that would stay with your throughout the day. Until a young man continues to show up. Ben captures Autumn like no other, he is adventurous and fun. Every night the two meet in the dream world changing everything. 

Between Realms is a beautiful written piece of work, this novel is adorable in so many ways. The relationship between Autumn and Ben is loving and is what dreams are made of. You can feel the love between the characters develop and become something outside of a dream. 

I really adore the character of Autumn, she gives herself a word to describe herself every day which I find to be relatable. I remember going to school thinking of the future, thinking that you're not good enough. But that all changes with someone who supports you and loves you, Autumn is so likeable and you cheer for her throughout the novel. 

I found the writing to be easy to follow and I really enjoyed the surprise ending. There are small hints to the ending throughout which I personally love trying to figure out. I think Emper did a great job explaining the emotions of the characters, I would like more of Autumns world outside of her dreams. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this light read! I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review! Such a sweet, fun read!

Thank you Katie Emper for this advanced copy in exchanged for my honest review! 💙

Book Review: November Rain

 Book Review: November Rain 

By Maureen Jennings 

In the sequel to Heat Wave, November Rain follows Charlotte Frayne a private detective working at T. Gilmore and Associates. With Mr. Gilmore absent, Charlotte is the only one at the office set to handle all cases. 

When two cases fall into her lap; the first being a mother and wife come to her to investigate about their son/husband who had committed suicide. They don't believe he would have committed suicide so hire Charlotte to figure out what had really happened to him. 

But that is only case one, the second is she is hired to investigate a clothing factory that the owner believes the employees are attempting to start a union. But her second day there the head foreman is found dead on the upper floor. 

During the course of the mysteries, there is heavy rain but this doesn't stop Charlotte from figuring out the clues in both mysteries. 

November Rain is a fun, cozy mystery great for someone who wants a quick read. Like the first novel, Charlotte Frayne is likeable and relatable in her thoughts and how she handles the situations in front of her. 

When I first read Heat Wave in 2019 I had no idea that Jennings would continue writing about Charlotte's mysteries. However, I had hoped she would. When I saw this novel on the shelf at the beginning of January 2021 I was so excited to continue her story. 

This story if verging on World War II, there are many aspects that are mentioned including the communist party, and the beginning events leading up to WWII that makes me wonder how Jennings will continue Charlottes story going forward. 

I still very much enjoyed the story of Charlotte Frayne and the return of the Paradise Café. Like I said, I'm interested to see what comes next. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review! Loved the characters and even the mysteries even if they were easy to figure out! Overall, I would recommend this series to anyone who loves cozy mysteries.  

Book Review: Heat Wave

 Book Review: Heat Wave

By Maureen Jennings 

During the hottest days of the summer in 1936, Charlotte Frayne a junior private detective is assigned to two cases which may or may not be linked. Charlotte works for a detective firm owned by T. Gilmore, after an attack on his wife and a hate letter is delivered to Gilmore, Charlotte is assigned to the case. Shortly after a veteran asks for assistance in uncovering the possibility of embezzlement happening at the Paradise Café. The Paradise Café is run by the owner and his three partners all of which were prisoners of war during World War 1. While the two cases don't look to be related, the events surprise Charlotte and challenge her in her private detective career. 

Heat Wave follows Charlotte Frayne on her adventures of a junior private detective. She being the only other person working for a detective firm owned by a Mr. T. Gilmore, she now has to put her skills to the test. After an attack and hate letter sent to Gilmore he must turn to Charlotte to figure out what happen as the police suspect Gilmore himself for being responsible for the events. But that is only one of the cases she has to investigate, the second being a veteran asking for her help to find out who is embezzling at his café named the Paradise Café. While the two cases don't seemed to be linked, Charlotte soon finds out everything is not as it seems. 

Charlotte is a likely character, her internal monologue is relatable and overall she's an enjoyable character to follow. I've never read of Jennings other novels; however, have seen some of Murdoch Mysteries TV show. Jennings has a skill to write likeable main and side characters. I found the time period to be interesting, after WWI and only a few years before WWII, it's an interesting time to follow a character like Charlotte. The Paradise Café is its own character, along with the four veterans that own it. 

The cases themselves are easy to figure out but the novel is a cozy read that just makes you want to continue Charlotte's story. Heat Wave is the first novel in the Paradise Café novels which was released in 2019. While I did read this book shortly after it's release in 2019, I had yet to publish a review. However, with the second novels release, November Rain, in 2020 I felt it was time to write this review before writing a review for the sequel. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review. This was a fun, cozy mystery with interesting characters and setting. 

Review coming soon for the sequel, November Rain! 💛

Book Review: Hall of Smoke

 Book Review: Hall of Smoke

By H.M. Long

Hessa, a priestess of the Goddess War, she has the power to turn someone's bones to dust with just her scream. After being banished for disobeying her Goddess's command to murder a specific traveller, Hessa is searching for forgiveness. However, during her banishment raiders attack her village and kill the whole priesthood. Through her grief, Hessa hunts down the traveller to regain her place with her loved ones and regain her Goddesses favour. 

During the journey, Hessa learns more about the war and Gods involved. These events bring up more questions about everything she knows. 

Hessa, is a warrior priestess. She is brave, strong, and on a mission. I enjoyed the character of Hessa, through the grief you can feel her pain but also route for her during her travels and the events that take place. I enjoyed reading her backstory to learn more about the times before the events of his novel. Overall, I felt she was a solid character to follow as a main character. 

Long's writing of the history and environment in Hall of Smoke was well written and easy to follow. I felt the history was interesting and helps translate to the current culture in the story. The pace of this story is slow, and it took me to the halfway point to get into it. However, I can not say this is the fault of the story or because I don't read fantasy very often. Overall, I think the story was well-developed and an interesting concept. 

I gave this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review. I felt the story and characters were solid; however, the pace was on a slow side. This was a great debut novel! Great Job H.M. Long!! 

Thank you Titan Books and H.M. Long for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Hall of Smoke is releasing on January 19, 2021 💛