About Me

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Hello, my name is Claire. I am a 29 year old Bachelor of Business graduate! I love reading, travelling and hanging out with my husband! I am an aspiring mystery writer: currently my first novel is with my editor, I am editing the first draft of my second and third novel, and writing the outline for the forth novel of the same series. Information on my novels coming soon! Thank you for looking at my blog and i hope you enjoy!


A Friendly Hello! 

Hello people, 

My name is Claire, i am a 26 year old Bachelor of Business graduate looking to find my passion in life! 
I love reading, watching movies, drinking tea, and travelling with my husband!
I am currently working full time in an office - while not my dream job; it allows me to save money for travelling and saving for that house we want one day! 

Thought I would try starting a blog - this blog with have reading, TV shows, and movie reviews. Travel updates and anything else i can think of to put here! 

I hope you all enjoy 🖤🖤

Claire 💗

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