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Hello, my name is Claire. I am a 29 year old Bachelor of Business graduate! I love reading, travelling and hanging out with my husband! I am an aspiring mystery writer: currently my first novel is with my editor, I am editing the first draft of my second and third novel, and writing the outline for the forth novel of the same series. Information on my novels coming soon! Thank you for looking at my blog and i hope you enjoy!

Book Review: Stay Sexy and Don't Get Murdered

Book Review

Stay Sexy and Don't Get Murdered by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

My Favorite Murder podcast is something still new to me, but I absolutely love it! My friend introduced the podcast to me over Christmas 2018 and I wonder how I never listen to Karen and Georgia before! Both women sound like people you could be best friends with, they have issues just like the rest of us and don’t seem afraid of sharing those issues. While I understand they probably don’t want to show case their mental health experiences I believe it is wonderful that they share those experiences with everyone listen and show that we are all a little crazy and that’s okay.
So, when I heard that they would be coming out with a book about their lives I knew I had to get it! So, I pre-ordered the book on Amazon.ca about two months before its release date and a few days after its release date mine came in the mail! At the time I was reading another book but putting that on hold I decided I had to read Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered first!
This book is divided by chapters of the different quotes stated on the podcast where Karen and Georgia tell stories and experiences from their lives. Each chapter teaches a lesson that these women have learned over the years.
My favourite chapter was “Get a Job”; as someone who is trying to find my passion, I went from high school in 2011 to school. I tried a couple different options in school before settling in a Bachelor of Business degree in 2014. After graduating in 2018, I am at a loss for where I am supposed to be. Currently, I am working in a field that I don’t care too much about in a job that allows me to pay bills, go on trips and basically live. But do I care about this job… not really. Right after university I had a job in another company, it was my first full time job since leaving school and they hired me right off the bat with no experience behind me. However, it was the WORST JOB I EVER HAD. It didn’t pay very well, and while the work wasn’t too bad the people there were horrible! The owner/CEO was an abusive asshole who would yell at me if I did something wrong or someone else did something wrong. I last 6 months at this place before I decided it was time to leave. I left in October of 2018 and in December I ended up finding my current job. Do I love it… no, but it doesn’t make me come home crying every day and the people there are a lot nicer when I mess something up.
Anyways, the chapter “Get a Job” is about basically the different jobs Karen and Georgia had before breaking out in the entertainment business. They had the same experiences all of us have had with being in retail jobs and dead-end work. All I can say is I’m trying to keep my head up and hopefully one day I will be able to find a job that makes me want to go in the morning just like Karen and Georgia.
Reading Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered was a nice break to see how someone else who is living a whole different life than you are not much different. They have anxiety and stress just like you, they have drinking or drug problems because in the end we are all human. We all make mistakes and mess up, but we all live this life and it’s our choice on what we want to do with it!
Thank you, Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, for sharing all your experiences in life and allowing us to see more into who you both are as wondering strong women!

If you have a particular book you would like me to read please comment below! 😊

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