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Hello, my name is Claire. I am a 29 year old Bachelor of Business graduate! I love reading, travelling and hanging out with my husband! I am an aspiring mystery writer: currently my first novel is with my editor, I am editing the first draft of my second and third novel, and writing the outline for the forth novel of the same series. Information on my novels coming soon! Thank you for looking at my blog and i hope you enjoy!

Book Review: The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

Book Review: The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle overview: Tonight, Evelyn Hardcastle will be killed... again. 

It is meant to be a celebration but it ends in tragedy. As fireworks explode overhead, Evelyn Hardcastle, the young and beautiful daughter of the house, is killed. 

But Evelyn will not die just once. Until Aiden - one of the guest summoned to Blackheath for the party - can solve her murder, the day will repeat itself, over and over again. Every time ending with the fateful pistol shot. 

The only way to break this cycle is to identify the killer. But each time the day begins again, Aiden wakes in the body of a different guest. And someone is determined to prevent him ever escaping Blackheath... 

My review: 

This book was crazy... well that's one word for it. 

Over and over again Aiden wakes up in a stranger's body and relives the same day always ending with Evelyn Hardcastle - the daughter of house - dying from a pistol shot. 

The first time he wakes all her can remember is the name Anna with nothing else to go on. Over time Aiden learns that he is not the only one trying to solve this murder, that he must relive this murder eight times and each time he will awake in a different body. 

Eventually he learns that he is a game piece and that his and Anna's lives are at stake. 

While reading this book you are trying to solve this mystery along with Aiden; trying to take each clue that is discovered from each stranger and figure out why Evelyn was killed. This novel keeps you guessing until the very end, when you think the mystery is solved it throws something else at you. 

I was impressed that Turton was able to keep you at the edge of your seat and while giving you hints; keep you guessing. This book was such a ride that once over you want it to continue. 

Turton allows for a great build up to the ending, the ending itself left you with wanting more - that you want to see where the characters go now. 

Overall, i would give this novel ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review! This novel gives you a wild mystery, it lost one star because the ending didn't seem to conclude. But overall a very good novel!!! 

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