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Hello, my name is Claire. I am a 29 year old Bachelor of Business graduate! I love reading, travelling and hanging out with my husband! I am an aspiring mystery writer: currently my first novel is with my editor, I am editing the first draft of my second and third novel, and writing the outline for the forth novel of the same series. Information on my novels coming soon! Thank you for looking at my blog and i hope you enjoy!

Book Review: Invisible Girl

 Book Review: Invisible Girl

By Lisa Jewell 

When a young girl goes missing on Valentines Day, the number one question is what happened? The second question is what is the evidence saying? And the third question is what is the truth?

Invisible Girl followed the lives of three people: Cate, a devoted mother and wife who is unsure of what she knows. 

Owen, a thirty-year-old loner who was recently suspended from his job for sexual misconduct and might have been the last person to see the girl before she went missing. 

And Saffyre, she doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere but after the events of Valentines Day she goes missing with so many unanswered questions. 

While going back and forth between thinking you know the answer to second guessing what you've been told Invisible Girl is a mysterious guessing game. 

Cate Fours, a devoted mother and wife. The year before Cate accused her husband, Roan, of cheating on her. She went so far to look into her computer and follow him. Since then the Fours family have moved to a high class house while their house undergoes repairs. Taking care of her two children, Georgia and Josh, Cate is devoted to keeping her family together and getting over the events of the year before. One evening while having one of Georgia's friends for dinner, after the friends leaves she returns to tell them someone had touched her outside their home, later the friend takes back what she said remarking it was a joke. There have been many woman attacked around the neighbourhood including her daughters friend (whether true or not). 

Owen, a thirty-year-old loner. Owen lives with his aunt who doesn't want him there, had never had a girl friend, never been with a woman, and had recently been suspended from his job at a high school for sexual misconduct against the young women in his classes. After leaving his job, he takes the advice of websites who suck him into the world of incel which talks about women in a negative and abusive manner. Meeting another young man who agrees with what happened to him being unfair. On the evening of Valentines Day; Owen goes on a date, drinks too much then returns home to see an unrecognizable person on the street outside his house. He is unsure who it was or what he saw but after getting arrested the evidence is telling him more than what he remembers. 

Saffyre, after being hurt when she was younger takes to going to Roan Fours for therapy. After the end of therapy with Roan, Saffyre feels lost and abandoned, to maintain that connection with Roan she begins to follow him and learns more about his life, wife, children, and him personally. On the night of Valentines Day she watches from a far as Roan and Cate go for dinner then return home, but the night doesn't end there and Saffyre goes missing. 

Invisible Girl is the second novel I've read of Lisa Jewell's, while I know she has many others I have yet to pick up more (I will be changing that!). I thought Invisible Girl was enjoyable. Based on the events of each character I could guess the ending but liked the different points of views and characters. I really liked Saffyre and Owen's POV's. 

Overall, I would give this novel a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ review. It was well done, some sentences I found choppy and needed to be expanded but overall I enjoyed this novel! I would pick up another one of Jewell's novels! 

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